The Deep Sea slum is located in Highridge, Parklands area. This barely 2 acre piece of land is occupied by over 12,000 residents who are mainly youth or young adults and children.

The slum is not commonly known to many Kenyans since it is uniquely sandwiched between very well developed and affluent residential and business locations of Highridge, Westlands, Parklands and Muthaiga.

The adult residents mainly supply casual labour force in form of househelps, cooks, guards to these plush neighborhoods.

A tin shack that residents here call home is rented for between 1,200kshs to 1,500kshs per month. This is approximately 12 to 15 dollars per month. These congested tin shacks of 10 feet by 10 feet are very close to each other. This makes the Slum prone to fires caused mainly by electrical malfunctions and paraffin stoves.

The tin shacks do not have toilets and running water which also makes the area prone to cholera and other water borne diseases.

They however use shared community toilets and bathrooms as well as water points that have been constructed by Non Government Organizations and Religious based organizations.

To use these facilities, one has to pay 5 kshs for a 20 litre jerrican of water or 200 Kshs per month per family.

The economic activities in the slum are small businesses like retail shops, selling of illicit brew like changaa, Barber shops and hair salons, dingy movie halls, food vendors, selling of vegetables among others.

The residents of Deep sea slums can barely afford proper housing, quality education, food or school requirements for their children.

Deepsea is also home to street families that mainly hang around Westlands, Nairobi.

Just like other slums in Nairobi, Kenya, there is a high incidence of poverty manifested by drug and alcohol abuse, petty crime, prostitution, sex exploitation, early pregnancies, high school drop outs and so many other incidences.

Whereas the average Kenyan adolescent has his or her first sexual experience at 18 years and above, in Deepsea slum the first experience may happen at or before 10 to 12 years.

A number of defilement / rape cases are commonly reported at the area Chief’s office.

Whereas interventions have been done by a few Religious based Organizations and Government bodies to try and help these residents, there is still a big gap left to fill as far as children, youth and women issues are concerned.

Afrikasi Kenya CBO has tried to come in and help by offering affordable but quality education for the young children between 3 – 6 years old in their Afrikasi Kenya Kindergarten.

Afrikasi Kenya CBO has also helped bright students in Primary, Secondary and University to source sponsorship and bursaries to further their education.

Currently Afrikasi Kenya CBO has mobilized over 300 students that still need help to further their education but we are restrained by funds.

Over 35 candidates from Deep Sea Slums sat their Kenya Primary Certificate of Education (KPCE) examinations and passed but have no school fees and requirements to continue with their education.

The average school fees for a form one student including the requirements is KES 40,000 for the first term and KES 25,000 for the consecutive terms.

Well wishers and generous donors are most welcome to come to the rescue of these deserving but needy students by donating through the following ways.

You can use MPESA paybill 609758, Account Name: Donations


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